We all know that Google Chrome is designed for its speed, simplicity, ease of use, security and privacy. But did you know that there are some specific features which are typical to chrome and are designed to save you both time and energy? Some of its features are so intuitive that one wonders why they were not thought of earlier!
! No wonder then that it has captured 45% of the market and is now the most widely used web browser in the world. Let’s discover what makes it better than others.1. It can generate passwords: This feature can help fill in passwords when you go and open an accounts creation page, if your operating system is Chrome, Linux or Windows. For this feature to work, you need to first sign into your chrome account and enable the password manager. For more details go to your address bar and type “about:flags” and then “enable password generation”. So now you don’t have to think about new passwords, Chrome will help you in a jiffy!!
2. The Tab stacking – Each of us have gone through this at some point or the other, when we open one too many windows and there is hardly enough space on the top of the screen to distinguish one tab from another - then this feature comes in handy. Go to “about:flags” and discover stacked tabs. The tabs will no more squeeze together but will neatly stack one on top of the other, so that you can easily identify what is what!
3. Quick calculations: Google address bar does serve multiple purposes. It is not just a search bar but can also double up as a quick calculator when you are in a rush. You can just type your mathematical expression and it will give you the result. It also does unit conversions to save you time.
4. The Incognito Mode: Now this feature may be of interest to many if they are sharing a computer with a family member or a colleague at workplace. This mode allows you to stealthily search sites without anyone being wiser. It will not record your searches in the browser history, nor leave traces like cookies once you close these browser windows. So spy away to your heart’s content!!
5. The intelligent Start window: As soon as you open Google Chrome, the frequently searched web pages will be shown. So pages like Facebook, Gmail or the news websites that you go to regularly, need not be searched through the search bar at all. And believe it or not, it makes your machine feel uniquely yours!!